银行护卫队队员手撕罪犯我知道你是不受人摆布的狠角色 I know you're this, like, Steven Seagal badass who doesn't need shit from anyone. 你爸把你丢在沙漠里真的很机车 Your dad was a dick to leave you in the desert. 人都需要帮助向人求援并不是示弱 Sometimes people need help, and it is not a sign of weakness to ask for it.
Imagine having to win over the girl of your dreams... every friggin' day. The ultimate bachelor will face the ultimate challenge.阳光沙滩的夏威夷是发生浪漫爱情最美的地方在这里上演这段掺杂着失忆的爱情故事善良的女秘书除了搞笑与感动一起“折磨”我们之外还非常养眼惹人向往